What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Is anyone taking majoring or minoring in the Classics? I'm interested in it, but I'm not sure what I would use it for or what it fully consists of? Thanks:)

Monday, October 30, 2006

I was in Medieval Spains class this morning and we were looking at the changes in official written documents at the turn of the 13th century in Castile. Well, for no obvious reason, little bits of the summaries of these documents were in Latin. Castilianized Latin and not Classical Latin, our prof said, but still... Latin. I was so excited because while he was explaining why it was significant that the Latin had the syntax of Castilian, I was trying to read what it said. I was only partially successful in that endeavor. Some of the words were things we haven't learned yet. But I think I got this one: "anima mee et uxoris mee et filiorum et filiarum mearum." "the souls of me and of my wife and of my sons and daughters"?


Sunday, October 29, 2006

I've been taking these past few days to get myself better from whatever cold/bug/disease I managed to catch, so now I'm stuck getting through homework today. I'm sure no one really looks at their syllabus for this class that much, but I really recommend the website provided in the syllabus that goes along with our textbook.


Some of the information for some chapters is lacking, but other chapters are filled with exercises and little quizzes to quiz you on what was learned in the chapter. I'm working on the chapter 10 neuter noun declension exercise on the website and it's helpful, although I wish they provided more examples besides the one. I recommended the site though to help out in studying.

- Olivia Hattan

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Hey guys! There are a lot of Latin fans out there. You'd be suprised how mnay people still teach and study this dead language. Here's a quiz someone put together to prove it. It's super easy and kind of interesting. Good luck friends. :)


I had to leave calss ten minutes early on Thursday so if someone could please, send me the home work assignment I wouls appreciate it. See you tomorrow!

*Stacey Bedard*

Friday, October 27, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Hey guys...
More Latin... i cant wait! lol... for some reason there is something that appeals to me about this language... i think it has to do with the cognates I am learning (more in the latter part of the book!)...

Jeremy Y

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Outer Limits...

One of you didn't get my reference to this show (that is how I know I am getting older...ah!). I am attching here a pic with the website if you want to check it out, it is really my favorite show since I came to this country.


PS. Let's try the neuter nouns again tomorrow; they won't go away if we blink, so we might as well get on with it...

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Well I did better than I thought I would on the mid term! I was so proud. The quizzes do help a great deal for me, especially since they are ever so much bigger. Thanks for that! um, I guess this has relevance. I decided to switch my major to the Classics and maybe become a Latin teacher. That would be hard, cause I swore I would never become a teacher, just because I hate dealing with irritating little people, but you know, never say never!
I gotta say, I didn't think blogging would be that hard, but I can never find time to get on my computer. But at least when I do it's lucrative and beneficial usually. So yeah....see ya laterz alligatorz!
Stacy Snelling

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?: The homework for tonight is the captions, the passage till line 15, and 10.2.

Candace Kaw

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Yesterday was such a hard day. I had to mid terms back to back and class until 8:50pm. :( UGH. So glad it's over! On the bright side I feel like I did really well on the Latin midterm.
Speaking of tests, if any of you guys are HUGE Harry Potter fans you may be able to take this quiz:


It's a Harry Potter Latin quiz. I'm not sure if the Harry Potter Latin is correct though? I don't know any of the answers. Thought it might be fun. Good luck!
-Stacey Bedard

Monday, October 23, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

How do conicere, and accipere conjugate?


What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Below, I am asking for how to decline the numbers...

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Hey ! I am a little nervous about the test...lol, just a little- question---> ? how many numbers do we need to know for the test?? and, how do you decline these adjectives?-- Jeremy

Today Stacey B. and I studied at the library for nearly three hours. It really was a big help. Also the flashcards are helping me as well, even though now I have too many and my cat has been tossing them off my desk. :D

Candace Kaw

Friday, October 20, 2006

So today is my one day a week where I have no school OR job to go to, so I try to relax and get some things done around my apartment or catch up on studying... and what happens? I wake up with what feels like a minor sinus infection! However, I found humor in the word "sinus" looking like "asinus." Right now, it's very appropriate with how I'm feeling.

I was in my American Lit. class yesterday right before Latin and we were going over some reading (i.e. I was trying to stay awake) and I caught a passage in Latin. I wasn't familiar with any of the words, but I noticed that one of the words was in ablative plural. I was proud of myself that I could recognize that. Let's hope I can do that on the midterm on Monday.

And yes, I will admit, I'm starting to see how beneficial the daily quizzes are. Sometimes I dread them, but they really do help when I'm studying (especially this weekend).

- Olivia Hattan

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
I feel like Latin has given me a better grasp on my English courses and the English language in general. I really like it, even though I fail my quizzes all the time. :(
So off the Latin topic...
Does anyone know of an job openings that require any or all of the following:
retail (preferably entailing writing or books)
Probably a shot in the dark...but hey! you never know.
And to the person who last posted- if you still need help let me know if you want to meet at the library tomorrow.
nox amicos (OK Prof. how do I say night friends in Latin!)
Stacey Bedard

Thursday, October 19, 2006

What are the rules for conjugations that have "phonetic facilitators" and "* forms"?
No matter how much I go over the handouts, I still can't figure out a way to know which verbs have I's and U's in their conjugations other than memorizing them. If there is no other way than to memorize them, which ones are they? Because I always feel like I'm missing some of them and it would be nice to finally get some closure on what is what verb wise.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
K, guys! I want to let everyone know I will be in the library studying the following days and times:
Wednesday - am- 1pm (if someone wants to meet)
Thursday - am- 11am (if someone wants to meet)
Saturday - 10am - 2pm
Sunday - 3pm-late

Let me know if anyone wants to meet, I'll give you my number.
Night, see you tomorrow!
Stacey Bedard
Candace!!!- let's find a day to quiz each other for our MMC midterm.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Inside the Colosseum...

I was musing today Stacey B.'s trials and tribulations with the midterm study sheet, Stacey S.'s requerst for extra space on the quizzes, and Jeremy's convention, and suddenly I thought of the Colosseum as a space that unifies all these different experiences...at once a locus of proto-Christian martyrdom and modern exhilaration with the Romans, its symmetrical 'windows' reminded me also of the declension/conjugation grids you need to keep in mind as you get deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole...Yes, do start thinking about the midterm, and we will go through the sheet together in class too.

So, Cras! (=tomorrow)


PS. That's where you get 'pro-cras-tinate' from.

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Not much , other than giving me internal joy for studying hard, and making me study!! lol
I just got back form an awesome christian convention- never felt closer to God-JESUS- but anyways, nothing much left to say , unlsess someone wants to talk about it...lol
I saw greek, but no latin at the convention so, that was kind of a bummer... lol
laters- Jeremy

Saturday, October 14, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Hey guys,
If you could fill out this survey it would be a great help toward a school project!
Thank you,
Stacey Bedard

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Blogging never seems to be my thing. I really don't have anything to say but that I love this class. Even with all the quizzes. Although i could definitely use a bit more space in the boxes, I have huge handwriting.
I was reading a book the other day and I saw a Latin phrase...I can't remember what phrase it was but I looked at it and I was like 3rd Delension! I was kinda proud of that. I keep seeing Latin phrases, and even if I don't know the word personally, I can guess the part of speech kinda. It's so exciting!
Stacy Snelling

Thursday, October 12, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Hey guys how scary is that midterm hand out....I've already starting study for the midterm! MUST GET AN A!!!! I do not want to take that final. If I have to take the final in this class I can kiss an A good bye, ugh.
Stacey Bedard

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I went out of town this past weekend (which explains my lack of comprehension lately; I still feel like I'm in vacation mode) to visit my family. I hadn't seen them in over two months and while they only live three hours away, breaking away from everything going on here in Tampa is difficult. But it was awesome to see them. I swear the first thing out of everyone's mouths is "How's school going?" The only thing I talk about is Latin. It's the most challenging class I've taken in college so far, but at the same time, I feel like I'm benefitting so much from it. I explained to them what certain words mean and how our English words relate. My dad, being the dork that he is, is always saying, "Yeah! I can speak Latin! Carpe diem!" It makes me laugh. Thanks for giving me that bit of trivia on the word "testimony" in one of my previous blogs Prof. M... my brother got a real kick out of it.

- Olivia Hattan


Monday, 10/23.

I will prepare the format and hand out worksheet well in advance. No worries.

PS. Waiting for more questions on 'et' and 'que.'

Monday, October 09, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

I understand Noli much better when you put it in that context with Niko and his father. Sometimes other people in class confuse me because they say the right thing is wrong and the wrong thing is right...then no one knows whats right...yikes. I had originally put "not willingly" in my translation for pg. 50 and it did not make much sense. Then when you had said deire to and I didn't see cupit I was like....what the hell is going. But now I understand it all. Sometimes when I think about it too much I confuse myself.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Asinine Thoughts....

Ok, this has nothing to do with Latin but was anyone watching the moon on Friday night @ around 9 pm? Could it be any bigger? There is this scene in a futuristic (and rather low budget) film, the ‘Time Machine’, where the main character travels so far ahead in the future that, when he looks at the moon it’s half broken in pieces by a nuclear war that happened in our own time…there is something comforting in knowing that the Romans saw the exact same moon that we do, because they talk about it all the time, and it is it, same old moon suspended above us for millennia. So I would like to believe that this is what future generations will be seeing too, and not that moon that looked like a crumbled cookie…

Anyhoo, here is a couple of morning thoughts that are closer to home. First of all, after a little ‘research’ (I don’t dare use that word seriously to describe forays into google and wikipedia!) on the etymology of ‘ass,’ I realized that you (vos) were absolutely right to claim that ‘ass’ and ‘ass’ are the same thing—indeed! They both come from the Latin asinus and, although the wikipedia entry doesn’t explain why, I suspect this is because the most notable feature of a donkey was its back side. The place to beat up, to sit on, to load with stuff, to look at when on the road walking behind one’s mounted master. It is because of your notes/comments that I got the idea to investigate this further, a little personal reminder that I learn from all of you as much as you learn with my help. Thanks again to all! And check it out:


Also: remember the polite Roman negative imperative ‘Noli+ infinitive’? Literally, ‘do not wish to sit/come/eat’? I realized it is alive and well in English. I was walking with a good friend of mine the other day, at the park, with his 7-year old son and their dog. Anyway, the boy was acting up, running away, teasing the dog, and being a complete, well, 7-year old, when my friend called him and with this icy look and deadly calm voice said to him: ‘Niko, you do not want to make me angry.’ I was like, OMG, this is exactly the same structure of ‘noli+inf’, and believe me, the effect was instantaneous!! I wonder what look the Romans took when they used that ‘polite’ prohibition….I swear my friend’s look was the hurt/ lethal you see mobsters wearing when they say things like (>insert Long Island Italian accent>) ‘Tonino, I thought you were my friend---but you are not’ and then shoot Tonino at the back of his head as he is trying to apologize.

Anyway, I am thinking whether I should go to the office or back to bed. Either way, I will be in class tomorrow. Soon then,


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
does anyone want to meet a little bit before the test today? Just blog me back.
-Stacey Bedard

I noticed when I was going over the practice sheet that there is a word, "habet", in number 11 of the practice sentences. I don't believe that we've had that verb yet. "He has"?

Also, from #9 of the practice extra credit, I can't find the word for "today" in the textbook. I also couldn't find a Latin equivalent for the adverb function of "no" in English in the back of the text. I could only find the adjective, "nullus." I don't think we've learned the verb "to learn" yet either, but I did find it in the back. Would "pueri manent in ludi quod cupiunt valde multus discere" be an acceptable translation for that question?

~ Rachael Stern

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just got finished studying for Wednesday's exam a little less than an hour ago... Boy, those 3rd declension nouns and adjectives were tripping me up since the 7th chapter was introduced, but I think I have it worked out now. I think I was making it more complicated than it actually is for some reason. I was really worried this afternoon because I know I did horribly on today's quiz and last Thursday's quiz as well... I hope, I hope, I hope I've got it now.

nom. sing. - canis, rex, frater, princeps, comes, urbs, fortis
gen. sing. - canis, regis, fratris, principis, comitis, urbis, fortis
acc. sing - canem, regem, fratrem, principem, comitem, urbem, fortem
abl. sing - cane, rege, fratre, principe, comite, urbe, forte

nom. pl. - canes, reges, fratres, principes, comites, urbes, fortes
acc. pl. - canes, reges, fratres, principes, comites, urbes, fortes
abl. pl. - canibus, regibus, fratribus, principibus. comitibus. urbibus, fortibus


~Rachael Stern

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What does "dant" mean in number 9. translations?

Monday, October 02, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
wow! I had an amazing weekend! just got back from Virginia from a scholarship convention (gates millenium). Anyway, i had an awesome time networking, and building friendships... i met a lot of people, and had fun. How did Latin help?? lol- i tauhgt all the Harvard kids what magna cum laude meant!! lol... i had fun teaching them latin, lol- they had no idea what hit them...

Jeremy Yesudas

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm working on writing out conjugations to study with, and I'm stuck on the verb "constituere." This is what I came up with: constituo, constituis, constituit, constituimus, constituitis, constituunt. I'm almost positive it's a third conjugation, but those verbs look really weird to me. Is this a special verb or is this how this verb is conjugated? Thanks for the help!

- Olivia

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Sorry I keep forgetting to sign my posts! This is Stacey Bedard. I forget to sign my posts because I'm used to blogging in my own journal which doesn't require my sig.!! AH! I'll try harder!

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
I bet that was amazing. I want to go to Rome so bad!