What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Is anyone taking majoring or minoring in the Classics? I'm interested in it, but I'm not sure what I would use it for or what it fully consists of? Thanks:)
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
I was in Medieval Spains class this morning and we were looking at the changes in official written documents at the turn of the 13th century in Castile. Well, for no obvious reason, little bits of the summaries of these documents were in Latin. Castilianized Latin and not Classical Latin, our prof said, but still... Latin. I was so excited because while he was explaining why it was significant that the Latin had the syntax of Castilian, I was trying to read what it said. I was only partially successful in that endeavor. Some of the words were things we haven't learned yet. But I think I got this one: "anima mee et uxoris mee et filiorum et filiarum mearum." "the souls of me and of my wife and of my sons and daughters"?
I've been taking these past few days to get myself better from whatever cold/bug/disease I managed to catch, so now I'm stuck getting through homework today. I'm sure no one really looks at their syllabus for this class that much, but I really recommend the website provided in the syllabus that goes along with our textbook.
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?: The homework for tonight is the captions, the passage till line 15, and 10.2.
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Today Stacey B. and I studied at the library for nearly three hours. It really was a big help. Also the flashcards are helping me as well, even though now I have too many and my cat has been tossing them off my desk. :D
So today is my one day a week where I have no school OR job to go to, so I try to relax and get some things done around my apartment or catch up on studying... and what happens? I wake up with what feels like a minor sinus infection! However, I found humor in the word "sinus" looking like "asinus." Right now, it's very appropriate with how I'm feeling.
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What are the rules for conjugations that have "phonetic facilitators" and "* forms"?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
I went out of town this past weekend (which explains my lack of comprehension lately; I still feel like I'm in vacation mode) to visit my family. I hadn't seen them in over two months and while they only live three hours away, breaking away from everything going on here in Tampa is difficult. But it was awesome to see them. I swear the first thing out of everyone's mouths is "How's school going?" The only thing I talk about is Latin. It's the most challenging class I've taken in college so far, but at the same time, I feel like I'm benefitting so much from it. I explained to them what certain words mean and how our English words relate. My dad, being the dork that he is, is always saying, "Yeah! I can speak Latin! Carpe diem!" It makes me laugh. Thanks for giving me that bit of trivia on the word "testimony" in one of my previous blogs Prof. M... my brother got a real kick out of it.
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
I noticed when I was going over the practice sheet that there is a word, "habet", in number 11 of the practice sentences. I don't believe that we've had that verb yet. "He has"?
Just got finished studying for Wednesday's exam a little less than an hour ago... Boy, those 3rd declension nouns and adjectives were tripping me up since the 7th chapter was introduced, but I think I have it worked out now. I think I was making it more complicated than it actually is for some reason. I was really worried this afternoon because I know I did horribly on today's quiz and last Thursday's quiz as well... I hope, I hope, I hope I've got it now.
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
I'm working on writing out conjugations to study with, and I'm stuck on the verb "constituere." This is what I came up with: constituo, constituis, constituit, constituimus, constituitis, constituunt. I'm almost positive it's a third conjugation, but those verbs look really weird to me. Is this a special verb or is this how this verb is conjugated? Thanks for the help!
What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?