What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I went out of town this past weekend (which explains my lack of comprehension lately; I still feel like I'm in vacation mode) to visit my family. I hadn't seen them in over two months and while they only live three hours away, breaking away from everything going on here in Tampa is difficult. But it was awesome to see them. I swear the first thing out of everyone's mouths is "How's school going?" The only thing I talk about is Latin. It's the most challenging class I've taken in college so far, but at the same time, I feel like I'm benefitting so much from it. I explained to them what certain words mean and how our English words relate. My dad, being the dork that he is, is always saying, "Yeah! I can speak Latin! Carpe diem!" It makes me laugh. Thanks for giving me that bit of trivia on the word "testimony" in one of my previous blogs Prof. M... my brother got a real kick out of it.

- Olivia Hattan


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