What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

So... Why is no one else able to log on and post blogs?
Did you guys use g-mail accounts?
see you in class!
Jeremy Y


At 2:07 AM, Blogger RaeS said...

Well, I just tried to log on so I can post something, but it's asking for a password for an account that I don't have a password for... I assume everyone else is having the same problem.

I tried to sign in through the "Old Blogger" option, but it just routed me to a "new blogger" sign-in page after I put in the username and password.

This is the same kind of problem I'd have with my own blog if I tried to sign in through the old version with the old username and the old password; they're no good anymore. Once it is switched over, the only way in is through the new username and password... 'tis most annoying...

And from what I understand, you can change the e-mail address that is attached to the google account, but not the google account that blogger is attached to...


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