What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?
Hey all,
I cannot remember or locate the definition of "tertia". I think it means third or three.
Ecce! tertia hora noctic redii. noli te vexare.

I think it means:

Look! I will return at the third hour at night. You do not worry.

I'm not sure. If someone could verify that sentence for me I would appreciate it. It's the last sentence of 18.5.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger Ex Pluribus Unum said...

redii: I have returned

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Ex Pluribus Unum said...

That's all that is wrong with the sentence? The rest reads the way I wrote it?
-Stacey Bedard

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Ex Pluribus Unum said...

The sentence reads: I have returned at the third hour. Do not worry (=literary: do not wish to vex yourself).

We have not learned the future yet.

PS. What happened to all the questions about numerals? I was expecting a bunch!




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