What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Today in class we were talking about how we should review over winter break as to not completely draw a blank when we enter Latin 2. In a way, I'll be glad for winter break just to have a break, but it's even better that we're entering Latin 2 next semester. I hated in high school when Spanish 1 was two semesters long, then you had the summer vacation and had to return the next year and attempt to remember what you learned in Spanish 1 to survive in Spanish 2. I think that's why after three years of Spanish, I can get by with picking out some words, but heck if I could speak any of it. I'm hoping winter break won't turn my brain into complete mush, but I do plan on doing some review over break.

On a sidenote, as a Christmas gift to myself, I want to invest in a Latin/English dictionary. I figure if it may never come in handy for class, it would be cool to have it on my bookshelf when the urge strikes to look up a random word. Yes, yes, I'm a nerd.



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