What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

So I've decided the daily quizzes are not such a bad thing. I can admit when I am wrong. :) It would be much harder to take weekly or biweekly quizzes. This everyday brush up, although it may not provide me a better grade, does help.

I'm looking forward to having the same class structure next semester. I feel like I have learned a lot. It's nice to come out of this class really grasping the basics of Latin. Hopefully most of you will be in Ms. Manolaraki's class next semester too!

This blog has been great. I started blogging the first week of the semester only so I would be sure to get the full 7 percent extra credit. But it has really been an awesome tool for homework questions. I really relied on it for help and a place to vent. I hope future students take advantage of the blog.

I'm going to start studying for the final tomorrow- no joke. I want to do well on these last four quizzes and ACE the final!!!!! Also, I will be studying with Candace again for the final if any of you want to join us you are more than welcome.

So few days until this blog ends...*sniff*

Night everyone

Yours truly,
Stacey Bedard


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Ex Pluribus Unum said...

Stacey and all-

The blog will go on next semester, and anyone is free to get on there, anonymously or not, and do their thang, rave, rant, vent, ask questions, etc (just don't start selling stuff, this is not Craig's List!).

Starting early for the final is a fabulous idea! I am bringing some more practice sheets later today..

Soon now,



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