What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I hope everyone is enjoying their break from school and such. It's so nice to be able to relax for a bit before finals and such.

I have a question for you, Professor M. I was thinking about this on Thanksgiving, and I was wondering what major holidays do the Greeks celebrate? I know that sounds a bit close-minded, but I guess I'm just too "Americanized."



At 5:01 PM, Blogger Ex Pluribus Unum said...

I will tell you all about it before class on Monday; but Easter is really the one big thing, and esp. the week that precedes it. All that drama followed by the resurrection is the eternal story of redemption and hope that everyone (not just the Greeks) feel attached too!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Ex Pluribus Unum said...

I look forward to it. Thanks!



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