What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

So it’s 8 a.m. and for the past few days I kept thinking, “Crap! Do a Latin blog! Don’t forget!” I even write in my planner to write one up… never happens. So what better time to do it than when you think about it first thing in the morning (geek much?).

I was on pins and needles to get our tests back, even though the studying I put in Sunday night would have made anyone sure I would do well. I rocked on the test and was so proud of myself that I took my fiancé out to dinner last night as a little celebration of sorts. There was an Italian family sitting near us who kept going from English to Italian in their conversation, and I found myself trying to listen in to see if I could recognize even one word. I couldn’t, but I was doing it because I’m in Latin! I did it when I took Spanish in high school, but now I’m lucky if I can understand “Hola!” half the time.

And I don’t know if it’s because my job involves education, but once a week, one of the teachers I work with HAS to ask me if I can say something in Latin (uh, hello! Dead language!) or help one of the kids out with finding a root word. It starts to get on my nerves kind of because they seem to expect me to be a genius at it (the quizzes definitely remind me I’m not), but the kids find it kind of cool that I’m studying a dead language. Maybe we can all inspire people to study just a little bit of Latin, no matter how much it makes us want to jump off a building sometimes.

Olivia Hattan


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