What Has Latin Done for Me Lately?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hey all-

As I continue to enjoy your posts, I got an idea: whoever wants to ask any question whatsoever about Latin, ask it on the blog instead of an e-mail to me; I will answer it promptly, since I do check the blog more than once every day to see how everyone is coping. By posting Q-A there others will benefit too from your questions, or attempt to answer them themselves. If you feel shy about asking 'the obvious' (I never got that whole shyness thing, btw, but still...I know there are some people like that...) you can leave your comment unsigned (Lord knows you do that already!)

So, repeat after me!

Declensions and Cases are characterizations for NOUNS
Conjugations and Persons are characterizations for VERBS
Singular and Plural numbers affect NOUNS, VERBS, and ADJECTIVES

* Since nouns do not CONJUGATE, do not attempt to fuse your nouns with your verbs, e.g. fessum, fesses, fessest, fessumus, etc. THIS IS WROOONG!!!! Perhaps I am stating the obvious here, but I thought I actually heard someone mix nouns and verbs as they were conjugating the verb 'sum'. (Has anyone ever seen the movie 'The Fly'? Remember what happened to that guy? That is the visual equivalent of fusing verbs and nouns.)I might scoot over to the library tomorrow, if our faculty meeting with WLE is over by 3 pm. But I remain at your disposal throughout tomorrow and the weekend.

See you all soon!


PS. I took these pix during a cab driver protest in Rome, this past July. It was so scary when the special forces came, armed and looking mean...see the cabi posing as the suffering Jesus? The sign behind his head reads 'TAXI'. The Romans were fabulously insane, and so are their modern counterparts...


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